About Me

I was stumpted on figuring out what to name this blog.  A place where I can share my story and the changes have come our way.  Describing myself in one word I thought "Hippy? Nahhh I am only sort of a hippy."  And so we have it. 

Hippy: A person who has long hair, is peace loving and wants to make friends with everybody. A hippy makes for the best of neighbors; they are naturists (aka nudists); most of them are into free sex and love; they don’t worry about the race of other people; hippys smoke a lot of weed (and like all heads, they do not have to have it pointed out to them to be able to see where, in this site's pages' background, a dude is smoking a roach  - Hint for non hippys and non-heads: - he's inside the spiral); they eat healthy foods (and may or may not be vegetarians); raise their children in liberal but very loving ways. Hippys are groovy and very cool. They are anti-establishment. They are amongst the most discriminated people on the planet. Hippys love all animals. They can be very much like Buddhists and into Zen. They also love to listen to rock and or country music (especially late ’60s psychedelic rock music); and totally believe in the saying “don’t worry, be happy”.

Okay so I don't have long hair, I don't think free humping is the greatest idea (hello STD's) and I don't smoke pot or listen to 60's rock but I've got all the rest covered.

I don't like alarm clocks, I don't like toothpaste, I don't like washing my hair, I hate cleaning, I don't like clutter, I like to be outside, I don't like bugs, red ants freak me out and so do bees and black widows and wasps and things that sting, I like road trips, I HATE bug spray, I don't like being bossed around, I don't mind traffic unless I have to pee or my kids are screaming, I think Justin Bieber is cool, I like sandals and converse, I wish I was rich so I could decorate my house with cool thrift store furniture that I refinished by myself, I wish Ikea delivered ALL items (your catolog is a tease!), I love craigslist, I love the beach, I like camping in a tent, I like flowers, I like country music, I like rap but only if I know every word, I like the scents vanilla and sandal wood, I think burning sage smells good even if my neighbors think it smells like pot, I don't like drugs, I like almond champagne, I like to sing loud, I can't sing, I like to stay in the shower forever then fall asleep all clean in my bed, I love clean sheets, I like to get out of the house, I like day trips with my family, I love helping people when they really need it, I like when people appreciate things, I like honest people, I like this quote...

"When we heard about the hippies, the barely more than boys and girls who decided to try something different... we laughed at them. We condemned them, our children, for seeking a different future. We hated them for their flowers, for their love, and for their unmistakable rejection of every hideous, mistaken compromise that we had made throughout our hollow, money-bitten, frightened, adult lives."
Author: June Jordan