About My Boys

The George Boys

Sea World 2011

I had Nolan when I was 19 years old.  He wasn't exactly planned so we will call him a surprise.  Good thing I love surprises!  He has been my little side kick, my buddy, my helper and has showed my what is actually important in life.  This kid is extremely athletic... takes after his daddy when it comes to sports.  He is a well mannered kid with enough energy to make my head spin.  He talks a mile a minute, loves putting on magic shows and begs daily for a cell phone.  He is a great big brother and even reads food labels to make sure  foods are safe for his little brothers who have food intollerances. 

Linky eating Cherrybrook Kitchen Cake batter in Gluten free Chocolate

Lincoln is my mess maker.  He is the cutest little toddler and is just learning to express himself through words.  You can find Lincoln running around the house naked breastfeeding his stuffed animal monkey Carlos.  You may also find him: throwing food, climbing counters, writing on walls, sneaking into the fridge to pour his own rice milk, trying to squish his baby brother, feeding his baby brother play dough, unbuckling his car seat on the freeway and anything doing anything else a little monkey would do.  He is truly my Curious George.  Lincoln also has a sensitivity to dairy and soy known as M.S.P.I.  It has created a few medical problems for the poor guy.  For more on food intollerances click the tab on my home page.


Another surprise and another BOY!  Dylan or "Dah" as we call him (thanks to big brother Lincoln who could not pronounce Dylan.)  Dah is the best baby ever.  I could not have dreamt up a better baby than this little guy. He sleeps, he naps, he nursed flawlessly from the start, he is content and quiet. His smile is contagious & his little giggle is adorable.  Dah is up for any outing and kicks back in his baby carrier soaking up his surroundings.  Dylan, like his big brother Lincoln, also has food intollerances to dairy and soy.  For more information on this click the food intollerance tab on my home page.

Saved the best for last...
My husband with his boys
Let's not forget this biggest kid of them all.  My husband Taylor.  My highschool sweetheart, love of my life and huge pain in the butt.  He lives for baseball, fantasy sports, ESPN, Coca Cola and Xbox.  He is the total opposite of a hippy and sometimes I wonder how in the world the two of us are a couple. He is as messy and funny as his offspring.   He is an amazing daddy and playmate to our boys.  Opposites attract I suppose because I can't imagine life without him and together we make a pretty good team.