Monday, June 27, 2011

What is gluten anyway?

"What is Gluten?
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, contaminated oats, and a multitude of other products. It is also a food additive found in everything from ketchup to pharmaceuticals."

The site has a lot of great info

Elizabeth Hasselbeck Gluten Free

Elizabeth Hasselbeck's gluten free interview.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


In the midst of the George household chaos look who decided to learn a new trick!
Maybe he is trying to run away from home.

I can't believe he can push up like this!  He's going to be on the move soon!

The Itchy Burn.

Taylor is running around the house scratching his back all over the walls like a gigantic bear.  He says he has the itchiest sunburn ever.  He sat a foot away from me while I was doing P90X (yoga) rubbing his back against the wall telling me that it was my fault.  That he hates the beach and if I would have put sunscreen on him this would have never happened.  I am trying to concentrate on my "yoga form" and Lincoln jumps of my back.  I do downward facing dog and to Lincoln I look like a fun tunnel to run under.  Dylan starts screaming to nurse and Taylor won't stop telling me that I am ignoring him and that he needs to go to the emergency room before he dies.
  News flash Tgeezy... I am not your mom. I have 4 bodies to sunscreen including my own and while I am lathering up our wiggly boys you can put your own sunscreen on and I am sorry you are itchy beyond anything you have ever felt but this is what you get for being a jerk when I stepped on a bee at the beach a long time ago and making me drive home even though my foot was throbbing.  I am sorry that you itch.  I am sorry that I didn't believe you at first and that you had to google it to prove to me that there is such thing as an "itchy sunburn" and that it's horrible.  I am sorry that you FREAKED out when I tried to put a paste of baking powder and water on your back then ran upstairs pulling off your clothes to take a shower because it made it worse.  And the most important thing... I am sorry that I can't stop laughing for the past hour it's just that I am trying to not think it's funny but i... just... can't... help... it.  

Still no biopsy results and my husband the giant toddler.

On Tuesday it will be 3 weeks since Lincoln's surgical biopsy.  I really wish they would call me with results.  I appreciate that they have called to tell me that they are not in and that I shouldn't worry but I can't help but think about it.  I have started leaving my phone behind on purpose.  I know that's bad but after waiting and staring at the phone this long I don't want to look at it anymore.   I will call again on Monday and see if there is any new news. 
 I just keep trying to occupy our time with things to do.  I have found all sort of things that are freecheap to keep us entertained this summer.  Too bad dragging Taylor along is like taking a bratty toddler.  On the way to Old Town Temecula today, I look over (I'm driving) and he is in the front seat with his pointer fingers shoved into his ears.  I started laughing and he told me that I was "making fun of him".  (sigh)  If he doesn't think that an almost 30 year old, father of 3 children plugging his ears is funny then he is on crack.   He told me he has to cover his ears because "the baby cries too loud".  LOL  He is too much.  Taylor is also sunburned all over his back because he is the only one who didn't wear sunscreen to the beach the other day.  He is whining and crying saying that it is my fault that he is burnt.  He told me "It's because you don't pay attention to me".  Ohhh man I am laughing as I type this...  He is going to kick my *ss if he sees this.  I know he doesn't care about my blog though.  So I think I am safe.  Poor tired grouchy Tay Tay is upstairs taking a little nap.  So are Dylan and Lincoln.  Hope they all wake up in good moods.  Especially the oldest one.
My gigantic husband that thinks he is 5 years old.

Old Town Temecula Street Painting Festival

Nat, Nolan and Lincoln picking a square to draw in.

Lincoln's "Scibbley Chalk" and Nolan's "Sunset"

Lincoln loves Mickey

Artists hard at work.  Using chalk to create murals on the streets of Old Town Temecula
What is it?
Old Town Temecula Street Painting & Plein Air Festival ---- Chalk artists and painters will be finishing up their work at the 11th annual Old Town art celebration. Professional artists, amateurs and children began working on their street art Saturday and will continue from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Awards will be given out afterward. The event also includes live music; Main and Old Town Temecula Front streets

Saturday, June 25, 2011

One of these days...

One of these days my kids will stop peeing in my bed. 

Party Rockin in the House Tonight!!!!!!

This song makes me want to clean the house, run and dance!  I really want his black and leopard pants for the 5k.  They are freakin' radical.  I need itunes.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Bout to get my Forrest Gump on

Woot woot!  All signed up for my first 5K on October 9th 2011!  Can't wait.  It is going to be amazing.  I almost cleared a mile today without stopping... CRAZY.  That would have NEVER happened 4 months ago in my fast food eating, junk food consuming old life.  Thank you to my babies who need to eat healthy to grow and be healthy.  You have forced me to learn how to eat clean food.  If it wasn't for you crazy little boys I would still be shoving oreos down my face while watching reruns of 16 and pregnant.

THAT DATE IS WRONG but this is the 5k map
-photo from

Run Forrest Run...

Seriously... That is the name of the race I want to do.  It's a race option for the Long Beach Marathon. My old stoppin' grounds and I think I can do it.  I am still sore from the day before yesterday.  I walked yesterday since I could hardly move and I guess you are not supposed to run everyday??  Tonight I will run again (should I say run/walk) for 30 minutes.  The length of the Run Forrest Run 5 race is 3.1 miles (just in case you were going to google it... I will save you the trouble).  Seems like nothing in marathon terms but if I can do 3 miles without stopping and the world doesn't end I will be very, very proud of myself.  It feels pretty amazing that I got as far as I did without stopping the other day.  It was the rest of the way home that my throat was burning and when I went to spit I accidently spit on my shoulder. (I suggest that you stop and then spit especially if it's windy... wait a sec... don't spit at all it's gross and unless someone lied to me when I was little it's illegal.)  But in the case that you feel like you are going to die/pass out/sponatiously combust/or throw up if you don't spit... just don't spit on yourself.  Ohhhh and I won't forget to mention wear a shirt that doesn't creep up.  Yeah.. I am not sure how many people I showed my stomach to while they were driving.  yeah... not good.

This hippy wears sale clothes from Old Navy

I just printed this coupon went to Old Navy and got 10 tank tops at $2 bucks a pop.  I wear these layered, alone, to bed and one time I even had to wear one as a dress.  No kidding, this "nightclub" at a nearby casino would not let me in with a jean skirt on so I had to stretch my tank top in a parking lot, make it long and wear it as a dress.  Can you say hoodrat?  I was so freaked out that my butt was showing.  Obviously since I didn't get the memo on the "no jean allowed" dresscode you are aware that the club scene is not really my thang.   However I fit right in once inside. So... whether you are a sorta a hippy or sorta a hoodrat or both... go getcho tank tops. 

Go to Old Navy on facebook and hit "like".


The Curious Georges Go to the Beach

Taylor & Allie June 2011


   Burying brother in the sand

 Jumping waves in the cold ocean

 Feeling the sand for the very first time

Happy at the beach

Finding sand crabs

Mommy & Dylan

Thursday, June 23, 2011

nolan plays a mean teacher

Playing school w Nolan while I was pregnant with Dylan.

Me- "Teacher, why am I the only 1st grader who's pregnant?"
Nolan- "You're not pregnant little girl just awfully fat."
sept 22, 2010

Did dad invent the game handball?

Taylor and the boys are playing handball against the wall in the playroom.

I hear Taylor and Nolan arguing over the "rules".

Taylor- "Nolan I think I know the rules of handball. I made the game up. Ask your mom."

Nolan (yelling from downstairs)- "MOM!? DID DAD INVENT HANDBALL?"

Me (playing along from the kitchen)- "Uh huh... yes he did."

Nolan- "Yeah right! I am going to have to look that up on the computer."

Darn you google. How are we supposed to tease our kids?!

bag boy

Just got Nolan a brand new cool outfit so he looks stylin' on the ORANGE CARPET at the NICKELODEON KIDS CHOICE AWARDS and he tells me he also needs a backpack.

 Me- You can't take a backpack in.
Nolan-OHHHhhhhh! Okay I'll just take an Albertson's bag in with me.

 I don't think he got what I meant.  NO BAG... and an albertson's grocery store bag?  He is so much like me.  I can't tell you how much I love this silly kid. :)

Yummy Sweet Roast in the Crock Pot

Originally I had a recipe for this... but I change it a little bit each time I make it and in the process I don't even know where the recipe is.  It goes a little something like this...

1-2 pounds of roast ( Thawed )
1tsp salt
2 tsp cumin
6 garlic cloves (I mince them but you can probably toss them in whole)
1 onion (diced)
1 cup tomato (depending what I have on hand I will dice fresh tomatoes or use tomato paste or sauce)
1/3 cup apple cider vinegar
1 cup olives
handful of raisins  (or more if you prefer sweeter)
olive oil
Whatever else you want to add!  Depending on what's around I will toss in whole potatoes or chopped carrots.

**You get extra points if all of your ingredients are organic and if your meat is free range and antibiotic free.

Take the salt and cumin (mixed together) and rub into the meat.  Take olive oil and pour just enough into the slow cooker to cover the bottom.  Add meat. Toss in remaining ingredients.

I usually set this in my crock pot for 6 hours... but it starts to smell really good and is usually done (easy to shred with a fork) in about 4 hours. 

Ohhh snaps... I think I will make this today. :)

Running, life and haters.

Urban Dictionary why are you so amazing?  When all other dictionaries fail me... you come through!  Here is what I was looking for today.  The word for someone who puts you down, makes you second guess yourself, hurts your feelings and leaves you feeling like crap.

Hater:  A person that simply cannot be happy for another person's success. So rather than be happy, they make a point of exposing a flaw in that person.

Hating, the result of being a hater, is not exactly jealousy. The hater doesn't really want to be the person he or she hates, rather the hater wants to knock someone else down a notch.

as in...
Susan: You know, Kevin from accounting is doing very well. He just bought a house in a very nice part of town.

Jane (hater): If he is doing so well why does he drive that '89 Taurus?
-Dion written on

Excuse me Hater?  Yes, I am talking to you. Have you ever considered that Maybe Kevin is happy driving a '89 Taurus?  Have ya thought maybe he enjoys not having a car payment?  Have you considered that maybe he has a party bus at home under a tarp that he was going to invite you on to go on a paid vacation to Las Vegas but now you blew it because you showed your true hater colors and now he doesn't really want to be around you and when your car (that you are probably still paying off) breaks down on the side of the road (let's say it's raining for dramatic purposes) Mr. Kevin will still probably pull over to give you a ride.  '89 Taurus probably isn't looking so bad now is it? 

If I keep writing my thoughts on haters, this post will never end.  So I am going to wrap it up by just saying surround yourself with ONLY PEOPLE THAT FIND JOY IN WATCHING YOU SUCCEED & I... will try to take my own advice.  Sometimes when you change... the hardest part is changing the type of people around you. 

If changing the type of people around you isn't possible than remember

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” -Eleanor Roosevelt

in other words

Life Law #8: We teach people how to treat us.
(thank you dr phil... If you were not around I would actually have to PAY for therapy.  Who can afford that with gas prices the way they are?)
Anyway... I am going to keep eating well, taking care of my babies the best way I know how, be the best wife I can be and some where in there mix in some exercise and hopefully RUN MY FIRST 5K.  Wish me luck or stop snooping on my blog.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Rice milk and soy

Went to the grocery store yesterday and got Lincoln Rice Milk.  I should know better than to buy ANYTHING without checking the label but when I say that Wild Harvest Rice Milk was on sale for 2.19 I grabbed 4.  After we get home and Nolan is putting away the groceries he says "Hey mom... Did you know there is soy in this?"  WHAT!???  I can't believe I didn't think to look.  It reminds me to check the labels even on things that I assume are free of certain ingredients EVERY SINGLE TIME.  Thank you Nolan for saving the day.  I would have been dealing with Lincoln and crying all night and not realizing what or why he was hurting.

Nolan's Dr appt update.

Nolan's appt went well.  The dr told him to eat healthy so his tonsils don't have to get taken out.  He wants him to pack a lunch while he is away from home.  He said he looks healthy and needed an eye exam. 

Sooo... I called around and got Nolan an appt to get his eyes checked.  20/70 w astigmatism!  Poor kid said he couldn't see!  he was right!  I am glad that is taken care of.  Now I just have to go through our insurance to try and get his glasses covered before he is able to pick out a pair.  Since our insurance is so amazing I am sure it will take forever.  (here is where I wish they had a special font for sarcasm.  :D  )  But really.  I have to wait 10 days to get a certain number and card so they can fill the prescription on his glasses.  Might be a while Nolie but I promise I am on it!  Waiting for a call to see if they can speed the process for him in any way.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Nolan cracks me up.

Me- Nolan you have a Dr appt tomorrow.

Nolan- Is he going to check everything?!  i mean, Is he going to check my butt?

Me- (trying not to laugh) I don't know.

Nolan- I already know what the Dr is going to say.  (in his best Dr voice he continues) "You are healthy kid, but you need to wipe better.

LOL  He is so crazy.

Nolan's Dr appt.

Today we are going to the Dr for Nolan.  He is having enlarged adnoids and dry patches all over his face.  They show even more during the summer while he gets sun.  I thought it was a fungus when he was very little.  Then I thought it was tinea versicolor.  Now I am realizing 6 years later that it's probably a food sensitivity.  We will see what his dr says today.  I know that tonsil, ENT, sinus and adenoid issues are usually caused by dairy.  This kid needs to eat better away from home.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

and that leads me to my next post...MASHED SWEET POTATOES!

I do a lot of mashed sweet potatoes and mashed yams.

Here is how I do it. 

Today I took two HUGE sweet potatoes, peeled them cut them into pieces the size of ice cubes (don't act like you don't know what I mean... the square ones you make at home in the plastic containers) and toss them in boiling water for about 20-30 minutes or until they are soft.  I mash them up and then add agave, cinnamon and/or nutmeg.  Stirring and adding until it's delish.  I have also used organic mapple syrup in place of agave. 

Usually I do this as a side or as a dessert.  I often make it in bulk and have it in the fridge.  I usually scoop some into a small leak proof bowl to toss in the cooler while we are on the go. 

 Lincoln and Nolan both love them with agave.  Seems like a no brainer to me now but I honestly had no idea how to cook a yam or a sweet potato.  I probably couldn't find one in the store if my life depended on it.  (though I can tell you where the oreos are and can probably find them with my eyes closed.)  OHHH and just a tip... when choosing them I usually go for ones that look easy to peel.  It's faster and easier.

Sweet Potatoes and Sweet Linky!


I am in the kitchen peeling sweet potatoes and as I am cutting them up and getting ready to toss them in the water to boil 'em Linky walks in (in only a diaper of course cause that's how he rolls) with big eyes and his head leaning to one side:

Lincoln- "Hey Mom, Wha you making?" 
Me- "Sweet Potatoes.  You wanna eat them?"
Lincoln- "Abblesauce Mom?"
Me- "No, not apple sauce Linky.  Sweet potatoes.  You hungry?"
Lincoln- "Yeah, Dinky Hangee."

I then stood there and started cracking up that we just had a CONVERSATION!  Ahhhh he is growing up so fast.  I love this little boy so much.

Still waiting on Lincoln's biopsy results.

For those of you just tuning in to my life... Lincoln had a surgical biopsy on June 7th 2011.  He has had enlarged lymph nodes for over a year that we have been following but they started to spread so it was time to biopsy to make sure my baby doesn't have cancer.  Specifically Lymphoma.  They removed 2 lymph nodes and have sent them to the lab at City of Hope for testing.  I wish they would hurry.  5-7 business days has (so far) taken 2 days shy of TWO WEEKS.  I don't know how much longer I can wait... and at the same time I don't want to hear the phone ring if the news is bad.  We have kept positive and are filling our days with fun activities to get us out of the house and keep our minds off sitting around and staring at the phone.  Each day that passes chips away at my positivity.  When I called (again) to check to see if maybe the results were in and they had forgotten to call us the girl on the line told me "Well, sometimes it takes a while if they find lymphoma.  They have to see what cell it's on and what stage ya know.  All that sort of stuff so we will give ya a call as soon as we hear back from the lab."  I am not one to complain but I wish I would have gotten her name and gotten her fired.  Maybe that would make me feel better.  I know it wouldn't have but geez.  A simple "The labs are not in. Call the Dr if you are concerned" would have been enough.  I suppose she doesn't know what it feels like to make sure your phone is charged for 2 weeks or to not want to tie up your line in case the Dr calls or to hear your phone ring when it's not even ringing because your subconsious knows that it will ring with news at some point or to check your voice mail just in case your phone decided to ring and you missed it even though you have not put it far from reach.  I suppose she doesn't know what if feels like to stare at your baby wondering if he has lymphoma and what it will do to your life and his if this happens to be the problem.  I Suppose she doesn't know what it's like to have your eyes get teary without you realizing it's even happening until you feel hot tears fall.  So... I will tell myself she is just a nice young girl (that is sort of an idiot).  That's where we are...  That was Friday and here we are Sunday... still no news.  I will call the Dr tomorrow and see what he has to say.  I have decided that no matter what the results are it will be okay.  If he is sick... then we get him better.  If he isn't... then I will always remember this feeling and what this entire year has taught me.  Lincoln is jumping all over the couch and rubbing speghetti sauce everywhere saying "dis is fahn mom!  Mom hurry dis is fahn"

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Goat's Milk

Many people have suggested that I give my kiddos goat's milk.  BARF.  Goats are creepy, smelly, mean things that eat everything in sight.  My first reaction is "ewww".  I wonder how many people would actually milk a goat and then drink the entire glass without barfing.  I would LOVE to watch.  Seriously... that is goat Lympatic fluid... oh man I am going to hurl just thinking about it.  What I am more curious about is how we would NEVER consider drinking human breastmilk past infancy.  Us greedy humans are stealing baby cow food!  How crazy is that?  What jerks we are!  How brainwashed are we?  If you really think about it... it's sorta nasty, right?  I can still probably have oreos dunked in milk but if you think about it... really think about it... that's some sick ish.

Anyway... I researched it just in case and here is what I am finding... Soy, Cow milk and Goat milk are all similar in protein structure and most likely won't be tolerated well anyway.  There are so many other "milks" that WHY in the world would I even want to try it?  It's not any easier anyway.  Mcdonald's drive thru (last time I checked) does not carry Goat Lymphatic Fluid so if I have to go to the health store I would much rather buy almond, hemp and rice milk. 

"Is goat milk a safe alternative to cow milk?
Goat's milk protein is similar to cow's milk protein and may, therefore, cause a reaction in milk-allergic individuals. It is not a safe alternative."  (Food Allergy & Anaphylalxis Network)

"May cause a reaction"  is enough for me to stear clear as it is.  Simply put if you aren't sure DON'T EAT or DRINK it.  Duh.

Just in case you needed a mental picture of what I am talking about. 

Gluten Free Chex

As I type this I am shoving Gluten Free Honey Chex into my mouth.  YUM... I don't even need to say anything else.  You should buy them.

(READ the LABEL!  I know that the honey chex are "safe" for my kids being wheat, soy, gluten and dairy free but I don't know if all "flavors" are soy/ dairy free)

Friday, June 17, 2011


Shamu on the left Nolan on the right
If you pack a lunch you will be less likely to eat unhealthy food.  Today we packed our lunch for Sea World.  Policy says "no ice chests or outside food".  We chanced it.  I would have made a trip back to the car to get our grub but they let us in no questions asked.  I am considering asking the pediatritian to give us some sort of official note saying that my kids do have food allergies.   
We packed: water, organic tortilla chips, homemade organic apple sauce, shredded chicken (free range organic made in crock pot while batch cooking for the week), rice chex, 2 sippy cups of almond milk, organic black beans and an organic banana. 

The kids did get an icecream (link's was a strawberry juice bar) and on the way home Nolan got McDonald's (NOT organic but ya gotta live a little).  Lucky kid got to splurge since he doesn't have food intollerances like his brothers. Since we packed a lunch we were able to stay on track and not make any excuses to eat the food at the park.  Saved us money too!  Moral of the story: PACK YOUR FOOD... Every time you leave the house have healthy snacks on hand.
Your kids may not want what you packed the first 10 times you ask them but I tell ya, once those little tummies start grumbling they will find the cooler on their own.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Recipes for healthy kids!

The carrot recipe is delicious!  I have alternated between honey and agave.  Also, I used apple cider vinegar since that is what I had in the pantry.

 Check it out!  Click around. This blog is full of awesome information & recipes.

Honey Sesame Sauce- A TJMaxx Find!

Honey Sesame Chicken and Veggies

This recipe began with a bag full of patty pan squash.  I have never heard of a patty pan squash in my life.  I had to google what it was and how to cook it and I can say pretty much NOTHING came up.  I was pretty much thinking that the butthead at the farmer's market gave me a bag full of useless vegetables that looked like yellow flying saucers.  I had chicken left over that I had to use to I tossed it in a stir fry pan.  I am freakish about food going bad in my kitchen.  It's a waste of money so I grabbed a few things that needed to be eaten and dumped them all together.  It turned out so good!

In a stir fry pan add
Chicken (bite size pieces)
Carrots (bit size pieces)
Patty Pan Squash (quartered)
Eggplant (sliced)
I added about 1/4 of the Honey Sesame Sauce
Stir is all up, cover and let simmer for 15 minutes.

Here is the cool part.  I got the Honey Sesame Sauce from TJMaxx!  I would have never thought of buying groceries there but they have shelves full of specialty food at a discount prices.  Gluten free and organic marinades, chips and treats that happen to also be dairy and soy free!

You can find yours here... 

Chocolate Milk

Lincoln and I LOVE Living Harvest's Chocolate Hemp milk Tempt.  (Thank you Julia for turning us on to this)  It is amazing!  I will send you straight to Living Harvest's website and you can see why it's healthy but the part that's exciting is it TASTES GOOD. I was hooked on chocolate almond milk for a while and although it's still a favorite Tempt is naturally higher in the good stuff.

"Hemp is not only one of the most wholesome sources of plant-based protein, it’s also a rich source of essential vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids"

** just a note from experience... the first time you try it make sure you don't get the unsweetened one.  It's good but not as good as the regular one!  :)

The G Free Diet

A friend of mine gave me a copy of this book and I must admit I don't always agree with Elisabeth Hasselbeck on The View but I LOVE THIS BOOK!  It's about living Gluten Free. You can click on the link and it will take you directly to to purchase.  Happy reading.

Welcome to my blog!

When people offer me or my kids food and we say "Thank you but we can't have that... or that... or that... or that." The next question I get often asked with a hint of sarcasm and a smile is "Then what the heck can you eat?" I also get asked for recipes and if I blog. As I type, I have a 5 month old trying to nurse off my arm and a toddler making a huge mess with a bean burrito next to me on the couch.. It's all too exciting to keep to myself so with my free time (not that I have any) I want to write to whoever wants to read.

I never thought I would end up here. I was quite happy living on Chef Boyardee Ravioli and Oreos but my adventures with my kids and their health issues was going to put a bit of a damper on my dreams of becoming a professional eater (kidding. Though I would have been tough competition at a chicken nugget eating contest). Along the way I have become aware as to everything my family is consuming and how it effects our minds, bodies and spirits. I have learned to much to turn back to my old habits. Not to mention that my kid's health depends on these changes. So, however you have found my blog I am glad that you did. Subscribe if you feel like tagging along through my crazy world of marriage, food allergies, motherhood and everything that comes with it.