Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It's really over isn't it? GOOD!

My kids are well.  :)  How cool is that?  Since April my kids (and myself) have been WELL.  Even though months are passing since we started eating well I think I am still afraid that something will send us into our old life.  The life where your kids are constantly sick.  The life when you don't leave the house for days because someone is burning up and you are trying to get a fever down, the life that if you DO leave the house it's to go to the Dr's to get medicine, where you clean up throw up and prep for surgeries, where you pray you don't run out of gas looking for a specialist office that is an hour away from home and you know you can't be late for fear of being rescheduled because you NEED this dr to see your baby... TODAY. In my attempt to clean the clutter out of my house I just went through about a year and a half of my "notes".  Drawers and drawers FULL of medical information, symptoms and research.  Papers full of my writing with words like "sick", "fever", "surgery", "blood", "lymphoma", "ear infection", "enlarged lymph nodes", "fever" and so many other words that where are part of our every day life for over 2 years.  So much has changed.  Part of me didn't want to throw out 2 bags full, huge trashbags of compiled information on how to get my kids well.  So much of it was me feeling so desperate and defeated. This isn't the sort of thing you make a scrap book out of and though it consumed my Lincoln's baby years it's all stuff that I am so glad to be over and done with.  New chapter in life for us.  One where we are all healthy.  I am still a little sad dumping all that stuff in the trash.  Of course I saved some things like his "Certificate" for being a good surgery patient from Loma Linda, photos and all of the hospital bands but I just have to let all of it go and be happy that I figured it out.  :)  Makes me want to cry though.  Raising your kids shouldn't be full of medicine, fevers and surgery.  Frustrating to think that we were digging for a mystery diagnosis when it was such simple fix it was for us- FOOD & CHEMICALS.  Change your diet and change your life.  How have we gotten so removed from what is normal and natural?  And how in the heck do we go on without realizing it causes us so many ailments?   And will I really be able to live forever without ever again having an Oreo? Hmmm...  :)

Friday, August 26, 2011

Well hello there.

This morning I told my husband "Good morning" and he told me "I had a dream we had another kid.  It was a nightmare actually." 

It's going to be a good day.  I will keep telling myself it's going to be a good day.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

How to keep pee cold

If your toddler pees in the fridge right before you need to pick up your 3rd grader from school just close the fridge.. blog about it and rush to the school.  Clean i later. That is the parenting advice I have for the day.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Lincoln and Dah

Lincoln just ripped my lipgloss out of Dylan's hand and said "DAH!  NO NO!  This is MOMMY'S"  He looked at me with a big smile, arms up in the air holding the lip gloss high and said "YES mommy I save it for yooo!".  Then he went and sat in the corner to hide, uncapped my lipgloss... I better get off of here quickly before it's all over him and my couch and the walls and the carpet and.....

Lincoln talks.

Ohh man.  I just realized today that Lincoln is a little boy.  In many ways he is still my baby but babies don't have conversations with you. 

Today in the car
Lincoln- "Mom, Wheh we going? We go to mountins Mom?
Me-"No Linky.  We are not going to the mountains."
Lincoln- (with a scowl that made me laugh) "Awwahhhhh!" I can see his disapointed little look in the review mirror.

Just a bit ago.  Lincoln and Dylan are playing on the floor.  Dylan is sitting up and falls over.

Lincoln-"OH NO DAH!  Dah, you fall?  Dah, you hih (hit) you head Dah? Dah, you ki-ing (crying) Dah?  Dah, shhh, shhh, shhh. MOOOOOOOOOOOOM... Dah hih his head and he ki-ing WUN (RUN) MOM Huwwee (Hurry)!"

This kid is a little boy now.  He understands me and he can verbalize what he wants, needs and feels.  I always wondered what his little voice would be like.  He's a bit funnier that I anticipated.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


AN OLD QUOTE FROM NOLAN   watching ESPN nascar highlights and they said the winner was "showered in champagne and booze" Nolans eyes shot open and very confused asked me "champagne and BOOBS?!"

Target... where people wear khaki bottoms and red tops.

So today in Target we were passing the toy ailses when a guy quickly passed us to catch up to his wife who was pushing two little ones in a Target cart.  She also happens to be dressed in a very cute, colorful, floor length maxi dress.  She actually caught my attention.  I was thinking that I was happy to see a mom take the time to throw on a cute dress and a little makeup.  I know how hard it can be to "look cute" when you are full of baby barf, trying to change a diaper and your husband is sitting in the car with the AC on honking for you to hurry up.  So anyway... upon catching up to his pretty wife the dorky husband tells her (with a loud I'm so cool and I am going to put you down in front of all these people to make myself feel better tone)  "Where were you?  I could hardly see you since your dress is so bright it blends in with all the toys."  As she was shooting him a "that's not very nice/you hurt my feelings glare" I flipped in his direction and said "THAT'S FUNNY CAUSE YOU LOOK LIKE YOU WORK AT TARGET." (oops... did I just say that out loud?)  He stopped, looked at me and then looked down at the outfit he had on... a red collared shirt and khaki shorts.  Then lucky for me since I was thinking I was going to get beat up in front of my father in law, husband and 3 small children... he started laughing.  His shoulders slumped and he said "That was a good one."  Ohhh sometimes I am funny.  :P  So... Husbands if you can... try to be a little nicer to your wives.  Her dress was cute.  I am sorry if it made her look like a milf and made you insecure. 

A quote from CAVEMOMMA on Facebook

I am still amazed at the justifications (excuses) a person will make for their bad habits. Do what you've always done, get what you've always gotten. If you're not willing to change your thinking, you cannot change your quality of life.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Gluten Free Babyfood Bread??

YUP and it's delish.

I have been wondering what I am going to do with the organic babyfood that is sitting in my panrty since Dylan has decided that he is too cool to eat it.

Here is the recipe I made today...

1/3 cup oil (I used olive oil)
1 cup of sugar
2 large eggs
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 1/2 cup gluten free flour (I used bob's redmill GF baking mix)
1 tsp baking soda
1 3/4 cup BABY FOOD!  (I used bananas and peaches)

Preheat to 350 grease 9x5 loaf pan and bake about 40 minutes and then keep adding minutes if you stick a fork in and it's not "clean"  when you test.

This stuff is pretty good!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Anyway... Mother Teresa

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered:
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives:
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and true enemies:
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you:
Be frank and honest anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight:
Build anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow:
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it my never be enough:
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it's between you and God:
It was never between you and them anyway.
~Mother Teresa

just a thought

If at some point you find yourself the victim of someone else's negativity, just remember it could be worse... you could be that person.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Pretty bummed out.

We just got back from an AMAZING trip to the mountains.  Beautiful house, beautiful weather, family and friends.  Everything was great except for the way I ate.  I had a choice and I decided to (stupidly) drink a few glasses of wine and Mike's Hard Lemonades over the 5 days we were gone (probably about 8 drinks total-some of them left unfinished).  On the fourth day I had a brownie and I allowed Lincoln to have a small piece as well.  This is the first time I have "cheated" from my diet of NO dairy, soy, wheat, gluten, caffeine, alcohol in a while.  Not for the sake of "testing" a food out to see a reaction just because it was there and "I am on vacation".  I know alcohol is bad in any amount especially while nursing.  This isn't something I do... ever.  I just figured I will pump a "clean" bottle for tonight and have a glass of wine while we play board games in Big Bear.  I was being selfish and stupid and am now dealing with the repercussions.  I woke up feeling congested for the first time in months, dehydrated, dry, itchy, tired, thirsty.  Just a big mess.  Lincoln was doing okay but having a few things here and there that he doesn't normally have.  Things from cans, juice, processed foods and sugar (all "safe" as far as allergens for the most part).  I don't know why I thought it would be okay to let him have a piece of his daddy's birthday brownie (NOT allergy safe for him... hello wheat and soy) but it wasn't.  That night he was tossing, turning, moaning in pain, crying all night long about every half an hour.  Those are long horrible nights and it has been since the last time we messed up his diet since that has happened.  And then my Dylan.  Hopefully I don't cry when I type this.  Dylan...  I noticed his poop change in the mountains and it wasn't looking good.  Very mucousy and dry almost like the inside of a pumpkin.  No blood, just mucous.  He was fussy coming down the mountain and unusually clingy in the mountains.  Go figure that a week of me doing "normal" things.. has affected all of us and now Dylan is sick with a 102 fever since last night.  I know it isn't a coincidence.  I know it is because of what I ate, drank and was around.  I know my little ones systems can't handle this.  It was stupid for me to eat food I didn't bring.  I know better.  Sometimes I feel like in order for me to avoid all of this I should just stay home where it's easy and I am not tempted to drink a glass of wine or have a brownie.  I am annoyed that my kids can't eat normal shit without it immediately effecting them like this.  I hate it actually.  I hate that nobody realizes what they put into their bodies or they realize and don't care.  I hate that I feel like an outcast when I eat healthy.  Sometimes I think it isn't fair that my kids will have to deal with this.  People ask me how long they need to "eat a special diet" and I don't know the answer.  I would assume that they will have reactions to certain foods forever.  I am starting to get annoyed when people try to give me other reasons why my kids might not be feeling well.  It is not the altitude, pets, weather, teething, surgeries, or from anything else.  Though is may be a factor...  it all comes back to the chemicals that are in food and environment.  Believe me... it's been trial and error for me.  I wish it wasn't.  I wish my kids could eat what they wanted so we can have our normal life back.  I am just frustrated today.  I am just mad at myself and hoping Dylan gets better fast.  I hate that he is sick because of me.  He will be better soon and I will have learned that ANY bad food is too much.  Don't be stupid and if I can't handle the temptation... don't put myself or my kids around it. 

Quote of the day.

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." –Albert Einstein

Sunday, August 7, 2011

In honor of Katy Perry

I am bleaching a chunk of my hair.  I am going to her concert tonight and the hairstylist in me just happened to think it was a good idea.  :)  We will see what happens.  Our neighbor friend just called and asked if we all wanted to go to the mall and my husband told them "I don't know if Allie wants to go she is sitting here dying her hair sitting in her underwear."  Thanks babe... I am sure they wanted to know that.

Taylor and Pink Socks.

Taylor and Lincoln (upon just waking up are watching baseball on TV)  For some reason the Mets have on blue socks.  Almost bright bubble gum color blue.

Taylor to me- "Hey babe, are those PINK socks."

Lincoln startes at his daddy and interjects with a serious face "No Dad Dats no pink das Boo."

First of all Lincoln doesn't usually use full sententences let alone know his colors and now he is correcting his colorblind dad.  Hmmmmmmmmm.

Monday, August 1, 2011

what did you give me?

Linky "Mom I whan mwilk pwease mom"
I pour him almond milk and hand it to him
Linky "Oh wass dis mom?"
Me "It's delicious!"
He looks at me with big huge sad eyes.
Linky "I don wan dishes mom. I wan mwilk pease."

Husband goes grocery shopping.

Hmmm we will see how this goes.  I just made Taylor a list for the grocery store.  He is reading it over and said "What is squash?"  So I drew him a picture.  I said (pointing to the picture) "It looks like this and it's yellow".  Then he said "What is "Be Eleven Peppers?"  and I told him  "That says bellpeppers".  And so he is off to the store.  I love that he is going for me... I have no idea what he will come home with and I can't help but giggle about the fact that he is colorblind (really... he is colorblind) and will be looking for a YELLOW squash.  Ohhh I love him.