Friday, September 30, 2011

The craziest things happen at Target.

Let me see if I can make a long story short.  (I don't know if I am capable of that)  Anyway... We go to Target (#1) and I fall in love with a lamp that is on sale.  Compared to the $50 lamps that I have been falling in love with this one has a perfect price tag.  Ringing in at about $8 bucks... I needed it.  The only problem was that there was only one of it's kind at this Target and I need 2.  Of course there was a similar one but it was square and I wanted the round one.  We put the round one in the cart and head for the checkout counter where Lincoln decides to start yelling
 and starts walking like he is bow legged.  Everyone is starting to stare. FML Seriously!?!  NOW???  Okay so I grab him and take him to the bathroom while Taylor checks out and I meet him at the car.  Time to go to Target (#2) because I am sure that they will have a match for my round lamp and I will be very happy to get 2 perfect lamps for my side tables that so badly need some decoration.  We get there... Target (#2) and realize that they do not have a round match to my perfect lamp but they do have a square one just like at the last Target we were at minutes before.  For the price... I say forget the round one that has no mate. I will buy the square one and go back to Target (#1) and buy the matching square one I decided wasn't good enough but it now makes the cut since it's my only option. We buy the square one. Only now I really, really want it's match.  I must go back to Target (#1) NOW before someone else gets it.  I must make my husband & tired, hungry and poopy pants children go back to Target (#1) and return the round lamp and purchase the square one so I will have a set of 2.  At this point I have in my possession 2 clearance Target lamps that do me no good because they are not the same.  As we pull into the parking lot (right next to where we were parked not 30 minutes before.  I search for my wallet (since I know Target will need my ID to make an exchange)  I can't find it.  I try to think about where I put it when I realize I never unloaded the cart.  My husband did.  I was dealing with Poop Pants Lincoln and I met him in the parking lot.  He was ready to go with the car running when I headed out to the parking lot.  My wallet is not in my purse and it is not in the car and then I look up... across the parking lot and tucked into a cart folded up into the part a baby would sit in... is my Volcom wallet.  My poor wallet was sitting all alone for about 45 minutes in a dark parking lot and I ended up finding it by accident...
me-"I think that is my wallet!"
"WHERE?" says Taylor impatiently. 
me-"RIGHT THERE!  Across the parking lot!  In that cart!"
 I run and grab it.  For the first time I am happy that Taylor was lazy and didn't return the cart to the "Put the carts back here or you won't go to heaven" section.  We exchange "Did that really just happen" glances.  I grab the round lamp to return and leave it at the customer service desk while I jog into the store to find the square lamp.  IT'S GONE.  I look all over.  I am starting to panic.  I call Taylor.
Taylor- "Why would I... no... I didn't touch the stupid lamp.  I never even picked the thing up!" 
me-"YOU LIE!  YOU MOVED IT.  I Can't find it anywhere."
 and then I see my square lamp.  It is being held by a beautiful, big busted blonde in a dress and heels.  You have GOT to be kidding me.  I whisper into the phone "I see my lamp and there is a lady holding it."  I hang up without saying goodbye.  I follow her down an aisle.  I follow her down another aisle.  I am praying she decides that a square lamp that was 39.99 now marked down to $8 bucks is a rip off and that she sets it down somewhere... anywhere.  But I think she realizes I am following her.  So when she turns around to give me a "stop following me you crazy stalker look" I ask "Are you going to buy that?" and she holds up the lamp "This? Oh yes."  I have decided I hate this woman.  "Are you sure you want THAT lamp because I just drove from another Target for THAT lamp and I... " She interrupts me "Yes. I am going to buy it."  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.  Whatever... I walk away.  I should have grabbed it and ran but I didn't.  I walk up to the service desk and grab my stupid round lamp that has no match walk to the car and toss it in the back with the other stupid square lamp that has no match.  I tell my car full of annoyed boys.  "Put your seatbelts on.  WE ARE GOING TO ANOTHER TARGET."  My husband says "No way" and makes me take him home.  Fine.  I am however NOT giving up.  I drop the husband off at home and head to Target (#3) with all my kids in tow and guess what... They have the round lamp that I originally wanted.  So now I have 2 perfect round lamps and one square one.  All that I can hope is that the perfect, blond lady wanted a mate for her lamp and tough luck.  It's in my trunk.  :P

Here is what I learned from this... If I had gotten what I wanted at that second Target I would have lost my wallet.  I didn't get what I had hoped for and therefore I had to go back to where I had left it.  I was upset I had to go back but what a bummer if I had lost it.  I would have never realized that my husband had accidentally left it behind in the cart.  Also... If that lady hadn't "stolen" my lamp.  I never would have ended up at Target (#3) and found the lamps I wanted in the first place.  So it wasn't a fun trip and it took waaaaaaaaaaay longer than it should have but it all worked out.  Moral of this lame story?  There will always be obstacles large and small.  They come in the form of blonde lamp thieves, kids who crap their pants and lost wallets.  It all worked out.  I guess everything does happen for a reason.

What the in cable did you do Lincoln???

So after having 2 Verizon techs come to our house and tell us there was no possible way to run a cable from our 3rd level to our first level without making a mess of it.  We simply could not have cable TV dowstairs.  "There is no clean way to do it.  You needed to run the cable before the walls where done."  Well Thanks but that doesn't help me any.  So we went over a year without cable TV in our playroom.  Well here we are all this time later and Taylor and I decided there has GOT to be a way to run that dang cable into the bottom level.  SOOOO... We did a few days worth of measuring.  Then we prayed we didn't drill into anything important that would shock and kill us or flood the place.  We  drilled holes into the 3rd level floor and our 1st level closet cieling hoping that it was hollow space.  And it was... sorta.  From upstairs we had to blindly thread the cable into a hole that was about 15 inches under the floor to allow it to pass through and make it's way down into the closet.  Talk about threading a thread through a needle.  I had to get it just right for the cable to fit through that tiny slot and after about an hour Taylor screams "YOU DID IT!  YOU GOT IT THROUGH!"  woooo hooo!  I ran downstairs and he ran upstairs and "Yahhoooos", "We did it!" and high 5's were exchanged.  We did the "impossible".  It was late and we decided to clean up the mess later and turn in for the night.  The next morning Taylor goes to work and I am with Lincoln while Dylan naps.  I go to check in on Dylan and head back to the bedroom where Lincoln has decided to HELP me by pulling the entire 10 plus feet of perfectly run cable out of the floor.  I didn't even know what to say... so I started laughing.  "Ohhh Lincoln!  WHY?!  Why did you do that?  Mommy worked so hard on that" and he says with a big smile.  "Ohh, I hewping you Mommy!  Yook!  I got it!".  "Oh yes... you did get it.  Lets go downstairs and get a treat because you are such a good helper!"  I had to get away from the sight of that cable before I lost my mind.  Crazy Lincoln strikes again.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I decide today to tackle laundry mountain.  So while I am trying to fold and I realize that from where I am standing I can see Lincoln filling up a small cup in the bathroom.  Perfect.  I can see him.  So our water bill will be high that's okay because while he is doing that I can fold the 15 loads clean laundry that have been sitting so long they can probably be washed again.  I fold about 10 things at a time looking up to make sure he is still happily filling and dumping his little blue cup.  Fold, Fold, Fold ohh this is totally working!  Maybe if I go faster I can actually get this done!  So not as hard as I thought... then realize I hear water dripping.  I look up into the bathroom and see Lincoln SITTING in the sink that he has filled to the top and water is now pouring over the sides and onto the floor soaking the bathroom.  As I run to go shut the water off and get him out of the watering hole he has created for himself Dylan goes to chase after me... of course he bumps his little head on the egde of the metal bedframe and starts screaming.  Sooo... I am really wondering if I should really fold all of this laundry today because I am 2 seconds from bagging it all up and dumping it off at Goodwill.  All that I do know for sure is that I now have to wash the towels I used to soak up his mess and figure out how to dry the bathmats that are now soaked.  He is such a stinker!

Monday, September 26, 2011


So as I am writing my last post about pillow fluff Lincoln got ahold of a bottle of Lavender essential oil and he dumped half of the bottle all over the house.  It smells like a flea collar in here.  I have never smelled lavender so strong that it smells overwhelmingly bad.  It is so strong that I am pretty sure I won't need any air freshener until 2012.  Good thing if he pees in anything else... it will just smell like Lavender.  I think I should stop blogging for the day or else he may burn the house down or something...


Lincoln has decided to pee in everything he can.  Inside toy boxes.  Inside my rice cooker bowl and inside a plastic storage drawer.  And when you ask him "Lincoln, did you pee inside this container?"  He will say in the cutest voice you have ever heard "Ohhh Mom!  Yook!  Dis hah pee pee inside dat!"  WHAT IN THE WORLD AM I GOING TO DO WITH THIS CHILD!?

Sunday, September 25, 2011


So I am trying to have some privacy in the bathroom when in walks Nolan AND Lincoln.  Nolan is telling me all about the coolest skater brands and Lincoln has somehow lost all of his clothing and he is dancing around naked in the bathroom entrance singing "Black and Yellow".  I finally raise my voice and tell them "GET OUT!  I am trying to go to the bathroom and I don't want you guys in here!"  So of course... Nolan says "Fine." and purposely shuts off the light and slams the door.  Here I am sitting on the toilet in the dark and it is the most relaxing 10 seconds I have had in a long time.  That is until Taylor runs upstairs "Where is Mom?!"  Nolan tells him I am in the bathroom and he bursts the door open.  He too is naked and covered in green slime.  "I went to tackle Dylan and his diaper leaked all over me!  I need your help!"  I don't know where his clothes are... I don't know where the baby is... all I know is that despite all the shit that goes down around here there is NEVER a dull moment.  Or even a clean one.  (sighhh)

no me gusta futball americano

Sort of afraid today is going to pass without anything productive happening.  :)  Football is on.  That means Taylor will sit in his pajamas all day watching the computer and the TV at the same time making sure his Fantasy Football team is winning.  Ughhh.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Taylor and Nolan like to argue

Taylor "Put the trashcan liner in the trashcan NOW!"
Nolan "Geez dad you don't have to be so grumpy."
Taylor "DO IT!"
Nolan "You are just in a bad mood cause you spent 38 dollars on a guy that is horrible and can't pitch.  Now you fantasy baseball team STINKS!"
Taylor "IT WAS 31 dollars!"

Friday, September 23, 2011

Today's quote!

If something is really important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will just find an excuse.

Sad day... but HAPPY!

I just sold a bunch of stuff from the boys JUNGLE ROOM.  SAD DAY!  BUT... I made enough to buy some hungry little caterpillar sheets from pottery barn!  Wooo hooo!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Alligator coffee table

new coffee table catching a ride to its new home!
Pretty much the coolest table ever and now it belongs to me!  It was a DIY job by another family that has to move into a 2 bedroom apartment and couldn't take it along.  It's a very sturdy wood table originally from Wick's and when the table top needed to be refinished they decided to put faux alligator vinyl held stretched over the top and held down with upholstery nails.  There are 2 very large drawers for storage on each side.  Perfect for holding toys, blankets or whatever out of sight!  I LOVE furniture that has more than one use!  Storage is so important with all the toys and stuff we have around here!  So again... Craigslist- I love you.  I would NEVER have had the money to furnish our downstairs if it wasn't for you.  By the time I am done... I will have decorated the entire room for the cost of a full price couch.  Ohhh besides the TV.  Ughh I don't even want to count that into the cost of the room but we did find a floor model on MASSIVE clearance and it looks like we will be running all of our cables ourselves.  :)  Hopefully I can get some items sold on Craigslist so I can make a bit of money to buy lamps!  :)


patching up holes and touch up paint!

Fixing the window that was FULL of cat claw marks
ironing out the kinks in the new curtains!

Stupid things are too short the blue is overwhelming!  :(  This is when I taped up one side and decided to try my hand at sewing... which I suck at)
And so... The before and after of the windows soon to come!

Some fun little clues as to what is happening in the old playroom soon to be TV/living room/playroom

Couch pillows!  We got the sofa for $280 at Ashley's Furniture Warehouse

Open Item Target rug 5x8 that we got for $50 bucks!

this is the actual craigslist photo of our new side tables. Asking $95 but we got the pair for $60!

LOVE TJ Maxx!  We got 4 blackout curtains for $60

I do believe Target jacked West Elm's style with this curtain rod!  We got it full price (which I hate doing but had to have it) for $30.00

So there you have it!  A little sneak peek at what is happening at the George Casa!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Boys have a penis... girls have a...

 Last night before bed.  My son (who is 2) and I went to go "potty".  "Mommy will go potty and then you will go potty...."  So I sit down to go and right before I am finishing up he is saying "YA! Mommy you pee in toy-yet! Mommy now I..."  He stops mid sentence with the most serious, shocked look on his face.  He crouches down with his hands on his knees trying to peek at my who-ha while I am quickly trying to wipe and pull my pants up (tmi sorry).  In a very concerned voice he says "Ohhh Mommy whe is you pee pee?  Mom iss gone?  Mom is you pee pee gone? MOM?!"  I could not stop laughing.  This kid thinks I lost my penis.  My house is a pretty naked house we don't make it a big deal my kids have seen me in the shower and I openly nurse the baby but I am the only girl in the house and I guess he just never noticed that I am the only one without a weiner.  LOL  I love this kid.  He is the funniest little person.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Bu-bye play. :(

all primered and ready for paint
I always get a little sad when I cover up something I hand painted but I will get over it.  I never finished this "PLAY" anyway.  Sorta happy to see it go!  Lincoln decided it would be fun to put his hands in the primer and make white handprints all over the wall.  Note to self... paint during naptime. :)

The curtain dilemma

The window in question
So here we have the window that needs some attention.  I was thinking I would get resourceful and resuse some old curtains but I decided that they all suck and we need new ones.  The only way to do this would be to sell all the old ones on Craigslist so I can justify the cost of brand new ones.  
Trying every pair of curtains I own
 Out with the old
I want these!
In with the NEW!  I am digging these blue panels.  The room so far is pretty plain.  Lots of cream and tan.  It's in need of some color.  And I found these curtains at TJ Maxx.  Target has one panel for about the same price you can get TWO panels at TJ Maxx.  I think I might just have to load up the boys and go purchase them.  I am finding lately I am shopping and coming home with nothing but ideas.  It really has made me realize that the things I want are worth going back for!  Also I have been doing all my home decorating shopping with my camera in hand so I can come home and look through it.  It's amazing how some things that LOOKED like a great idea wouldn't actually work if I would have purchased it.

Living room make over RUG or um... wrestling mat

Target Medallion Rug

Here is our new rug!  Retails for about 200.00 bucks at Target.  The rugs near by where marked down to 69.99.  BUT... this one had no tags at all,, just held together by a few pieces of clear plastic wrap and a little dirty on the bottom (nothing that couldn't be cleaned with little effort).  Taylor called a manager over and she gave it to us for 50 BUCKS! I couldn't have purchased it fast enough!  I LOVE this rug.  Love the pattern, the super thick cozy feel and THE PRICE!  For the first few days the rug has been used as a gymnastic/wresting mat.  I keep peeking into the room just to see this rug and do a happy dance when I think of the GREAT deal we got.  :) 

Thursday, September 15, 2011


From Pottery Barn Kids

Currently I am obsessed with Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar for the babies room.  It's SO CUTE!  I love how I can make art just by cutting apart a book and what could be better to fit our lifestyle currently then pieces of CUTE FRUIT!?  Although the greedy little caterpillar does eat through a bunch of junk but he gets a stomach ache from it anyway.  I love the idea.  I just don't love the price.  I have GOT to figure out a way to do something like this on a budget.  I can't even look at it.  Just makes me want to order fabric and learn to sew.  Maybe order a piece at a time?!  I want it all... I want it now!

Bye Bye PLAYROOM!!!!!!!

What do you do when all your kids are healthy and you are bored and have a little spending money!?  DIY Decor of course!  Why not redo a room!  My husband has been against the "playroom" since the second I started decorating it.  He wants a TV and I don't want any.  Well acually.  He wants TWO Tv's.  So I figure what the heck... You want ANOTHER TV room fine but I get to decorate it.  :)

playroom before

playroom before
So begins the fun that I was TRYING to do before my kids got sick and that took over my life.  Now that I have finally gotten them well it's time to start getting this place back in order!  I am sure it will be  A TON of DIY projects and Eco friendly (if I get my way) 


Monday, September 12, 2011

Sorta like French Fries

We are diggin' baked, sliced up red potatoes.  Organic of course with a little sea salt and pepper.  Kechup to dip...

My new favorite kitchen toy!

In the words of Carrie Bradshaw... "Helllllo Lover".  This thing is awesome.  We have been using our rice cooker often but I have never seen one with a steamer on top!  There where a few to choose from but this one (even though it's smaller) made the cut because the Steamer basket was metal.  All of the other options had a plastic tray in which to set your veggies while they cook.  Plastic infused veggies anyone?  Gross.  So anyway this thing is AWESOME.  Toss in your rice and water.  Place steaming basket.  Chop some veggies (We have used squash and broccoli so far).  You can steam fish on this thing too!   I love this thing for so many reasons!  It's easy to use, easy to clean, great in the heat so I don't have to use the stove or oven.  Though while this is doing it's thing I will usually make some free range chicken nuggets in a skillet, but hey one pan to clean or 3??  Easy, easy, easy and fast.  Plus you can't really jack anything up... It's pretty fool proof. 


Celery, Carrot, Apple and Beets.  If I remember right!  :)  I do remember it was delicious!

Amber teeting necklaces

The following information is credited to the site/online shop Inspired By Finn-
"Our Baltic Amber jewelry is a unique piece of history The amber beads are fossils from an ancient forest which existed tens of millions of years ago."

"Baltic amber is not a stone, but a fossilized tree resin.
Historically, Baltic Amber has been used in Europe as a natural and traditional remedy and curative for many ailments for centuries. Long ago it was considered one of the leading medicines of its time. Baltic Amber is the most esteemed amber in the world, and the healing qualities of Baltic Amber make it unlike any other type of amber found in the world.
When baltic amber is worn on the skin, the skin's warmth releases trace amounts of healing oils from the amber. These oils contain succinic acid and are absorbed into the skin.
Baltic Amber has some of the highest concentrations of Succinic Acid found in nature, and this is what makes it so special. Succinic Acid is a natural component of plant and animal tissues, and it's presence in the human body is beneficial in many ways.

How can baltic amber help us?
  • Pain Relief -
Baltic amber contains analgesic properties and helps take the edge off of many types of discomfort associated with dental issues, headaches, joint pain, etc.

  • Strengthens the body's immune system -
In many different and subtle ways, succinic acid helps boost the body's own natural healing ability and immune system.
  • Restoring Energy
The human body naturally produces succinic acid. The salt of succinic acid (succinate) is one of the most active substances in the processes of cellular respiration and intercellular energy creation. Succinic acid restores oxygen and energy supply to depleted cells and helps the body return to a normal, functioning state.
Succinate is a raw material and a catalyst in the Krebs Cycle which is one of our main sources of energy. During the Krebs Cycle carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are metabolized for energy.
  • Maintaining Wellness -

When the human body reacts to stress, the body's cells begin to use oxygen more quickly. Oxygen plays a central role in the intercellular creation of energy, and a lack of oxygen can result in feeling lethargic.
Oxygen is alkaline-forming in the blood and maintaining a slightly alkaline blood ph helps keep us healthy. Whenever the body functions in a state of low oxygen, it is much more susceptible to illness.

  • To help break a cycle of (chronic) inflammation -
Where chronic inflammation is present, disease lurks.
When the body's cells are chronically inflamed the human body's immune system response is to increase production of free radicals. Chronic overproduction of free radicals results in inflammatory-related disease. Chronic inflammation is a common denominator of many seemingly unrelated diseases.
While wearing a piece or two of baltic amber jewelry may not cure all that may ail you, it has been a proven benefit to many! Our Baltic Amber jewelry is a unique piece of history…The amber beads are fossils from an ancient forest which existed tens of millions of years ago.

Baltic amber is not a stone, but a fossilized tree resin.
Historically, Baltic Amber has been used in Europe as a natural and traditional remedy and curative for many ailments for centuries. Long ago it was considered one of the leading medicines of its time. Baltic Amber is the most esteemed amber in the world, and the healing qualities of Baltic Amber make it unlike any other type of amber found in the world.
When baltic amber is worn on the skin, the skin's warmth releases trace amounts of healing oils from the amber. These oils contain succinic acid and are absorbed into the skin.
Baltic Amber has some of the highest concentrations of Succinic Acid found in nature, and this is what makes it so special. Succinic Acid is a natural component of plant and animal tissues, and it's presence in the human body is beneficial in many ways.

How can baltic amber help us?
  • Pain Relief -
Baltic amber contains analgesic properties and helps take the edge off of many types of discomfort associated with dental issues, headaches, joint pain, etc.

  • Strengthens the body's immune system -
In many different and subtle ways, succinic acid helps boost the body's own natural healing ability and immune system.
  • Restoring Energy
The human body naturally produces succinic acid. The salt of succinic acid (succinate) is one of the most active substances in the processes of cellular respiration and intercellular energy creation. Succinic acid restores oxygen and energy supply to depleted cells and helps the body return to a normal, functioning state.
Succinate is a raw material and a catalyst in the Krebs Cycle which is one of our main sources of energy. During the Krebs Cycle carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are metabolized for energy.
  • Maintaining Wellness -

When the human body reacts to stress, the body's cells begin to use oxygen more quickly. Oxygen plays a central role in the intercellular creation of energy, and a lack of oxygen can result in feeling lethargic.
Oxygen is alkaline-forming in the blood and maintaining a slightly alkaline blood ph helps keep us healthy. Whenever the body functions in a state of low oxygen, it is much more susceptible to illness.

  • To help break a cycle of (chronic) inflammation -
Where chronic inflammation is present, disease lurks.
When the body's cells are chronically inflamed the human body's immune system response is to increase production of free radicals. Chronic overproduction of free radicals results in inflammatory-related disease. Chronic inflammation is a common denominator of many seemingly unrelated diseases.
While wearing a piece or two of baltic amber jewelry may not cure all that may ail you, it has been a proven benefit to many!"
-INSPIRED BY FINN  By clicking that link you can purchase your own Baltic Amber Jewelry. 

Baron's 9/12/2011

Grocery store trip to Baron's

I have never shopped at Baron's so today I thought I would give it a try.  This is a big deal since usually with 2 small kids the LAST thing I want to do is make a grocery trip be longer by trying to find what I need.  Lucky for us... all the organic produce is in one section and the bulk bins where better than the selection at Henry's. 

So here we go!
Udi's GF muffins - @5.99 for 4 muffins I have got to say that this was a splurge but it's not often I find "safe" junk food and I had to have them.  My sister introduced me to these darn things... they are super good.  I have thought about using these for a bday party instead of cake for my kids.  YUM.

A million pop chips.  They had the small bags so I got a ton.  99 cents but perfect size for Nolan's lunch.  I also got 2 big bags for 1.99 (that is way better than Albertson's)

Gluten Free Rice Spiral Noodles

Udi's GF bread

Onto the good stuff

bulk almond meal
bulk wild rice
3 bunches bananas
bulk golden raisins (regular raisins gross me out.)
patty pan squash
bulk cocoa powder
Gluten Free Oats
citrus kombucha

Total was 91.00 even.  Darn those stupid pop chips and muffins.  I could have gotten a week of food for about 60-70 bucks this week since I still have meat at home!

Dressing Lincoln

I used to see kids in clothes and think "Why did that mom dress her kid like such a dork?" But now I understand. Lincoln "I no yike dat shirt. I whan baseball shrit. No I don yike dat baseball shirt. I wan dodger shirt (me-how about this shirt) Ohh dis shirt has poop momma. Is dirty! (me-no it's clean) No I don yike dat shirt too." Then he puts on a pair of Dylan's shorts and a backwards dog shirt. He is very happy now. Grocery shopping here we come!

Friday, September 2, 2011


I have been learning a lot about vaccinations over the past few years but I honeslty have never read over an actual INSERT that goes into the box provided by the company.  I want to throw up.  Merck flat out lists on the insert "DEATH" as one of the possible Adverse Reactions?!  REALLY?  I knew about all the other ones... those are bad enough.  Why are we wondering what causes SIDS again?  Why do we live in one of the most developed countries & have advances in medical but one of the highest infant mortality rates?  Somebody please explain this to me...  help me make sense of this.  I already know Dr's will NEVER care about our kids as much as us parents do but then why do we trust them to make such important decisions on behalf of our child's health?  I am so frustrated. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Henry's this week. :)

For those of you that have joked that I should blog my grocery list... I couldn't really because unless I have a recipe I don't make one.  However!  I do have a reciept from this morning and I will share the goods with you that I got today! :)

Gorilla munch cereal
3 bunches of bananas
red grapes
green grapes
4 so delicious coconut yogurts in vanilla and pina colada
gala apples
dr bronners rose bar soap
udi's gluten free white bread
dental floss
valencia oranges
pumpkin spice (for a recipe)
bulk crimson raisins
tomatoes on the vine
turkish apricots
mango kombucha
2 cans of coconut water
calmyrna figs
bulkwhite jasmine rice
bulk almonds
bulk cashews
a toothbrush
5 pacific natural organic almond milks
1 chocolate hemp milk
3 packs of chicken (tenders where on sale so I bought a few to freeze)
1 pack of steak

That about sums it up.  My total was 140.58.  I got produce for about a week and enough pantry items (bulk foods) to last even longer.  Everything in the cart was organic, meats where all grass fed, no antibiotics.

So much of this is just eaten in it's raw form or juiced.  :)  I got a ton of meat... happy about that.  I will try to post a few of the ways I can mix all of this up to eat so it doesn't get boring.  :)  Maybe it will help with ideas on how to eat all of this food.  I realize that the only meal I sit down for it dinner with my family.  Other than that we graze all day long.  Hand full of nuts, a kiwi, yogurt a little later.  Bowl of cereal, glass of chocolate hemp milk.  I am always full.  Dinner is usually a meat, rice and fruits and veggies like mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes or brocoli and grapes.  Just depends what is around.  Hope this helps!  :)